Selskapet | Norwegian › om-oss › selskapetOm selskapet Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, morselskapet til Norwegian-gruppen, har hovedkvarter på Fornebu i Bærum. Bedriftsstruktur Norwegian består av morselskapet Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA og dets hel- og deleide datterselskaper. Styret Norwegian sitt styre arbeider i henhold til norsk lov. Styret er selvstendig og uavhengig. Ledelsen
Eira - The Norwegian Water
www.eirawater.comThe Norwegian Water. In search of the purest water in Norway, geologists found the Eira source. Low in minerals and perfectly clear, the water is unfiltered and bottled straight from the source. Eira is water in its purest form. Sparkling & still.
Investor Relations | Norwegian › om-oss › selskapetInvestor Relations. The Investor Relations pages are designed to provide all investors and the capital markets with precise, equable and reliable information. Norwegian presents financial data through its quarterly reports and presentations, as well as a monthly traffic development report. Our investor relations section is published in English ...