Frontpage - Norway Health Tech
https://www.norwayhealthtech.comNorway Health Tech is on the forefront of identifying the newly arisen needs in the aftermath of the pandemic. We have therefore asked experts from around the globe to share their experience and knowledge with us when it comes to the long-term challenges of the pandemic. Covid19 has not been defeated yet.
About us - NSCC - Smart Care Cluster › english › about-usAbout us. Norwegian Smart Care Cluster (NSCC) is an ARENA PRO cluster in the national cluster program. We have more than 250 members from all over the country. The head office is in Stavanger, and we have departments in Bergen and Grimstad. NSCC is a national and international collaboration arena for large and small companies, municipalities ...
Members - Norway Health Tech - Norway Health Tech Our members are the core of our cluster. Everything Norway Health Tech does is to benefit our members. Whether they are entrepreneurs or established organisations or corporations, their success is our success. With more than 270 members in all stages of company development there are enough challenges to address.
About NSCC - Smart Care Cluster › about-nsccNorwegian Smart Care Cluster (NSCC) is a national and international collaboration hub for companies, healthcare providers, R&D institutions and financials players. Our focus is transformation, innovation, research, commercialization and internationalization of products and services within digital health and welfare technology.
NSCC - Smart Care Cluster
https://www.smartcarecluster.noNorwegian Smart Care Cluster er en pådriver for ressursgrupper som vil samarbeide om verdiskapende aktiviteter rundt et felles tema eller problemstilling som gagner dem selv og andre medlemmer. Les mer Kommunikasjon Har du et arrangement, en nyhet, en idé eller en innovasjon som flere medlemmer i klyngen bør kjenne til?
Frontpage - Norway Health Tech Health Tech is a technology cluster facilitating the growth of new and innovative healthcare solutions. Norway Health Tech @NorwayHealthTec · 4 nov Picterus AS sin app har blitt CE-godkjent Appen kartlegger hvorvidt et nyfødt barn har gulsott eller ikke – og graden av dette.
Stories - NSCC › eng › storiesNorwegian Smart Care Cluster is a gold cluster: - This is a sign of quality The cluster has been approved for gold certification in the EU's certification scheme. This shows that NSCC is a professional organization and attractive as a partner in EU projects. Read more She wants to globalize the Norwegian health industry
NSCC - Smart Care Cluster
www.smartcarecluster.noNorwegian Smart Care Cluster arrangerer årlig gjennomsnittlig 30-50 nettverkstreff, seminarer, workshops og konferanser. Målet er å spre kunnskap, fremme utvikling og bygge nettverk. Les mer. Nettverk.