07.10.2020 · When you pass a function handle to ode45, ode45 is only going to provide the first two input arguments (t and y). If you want to provide additional input arguments you need to use an anonymous function. You can convert this line: sol = ode45 (@Fick, [0 tmax],Cinit, [],V,Ji,Je,J2i,J2e);
If your function requires input arguments, the Not enough input arguments error will occur as you have written a functions that expects inputs to go inside the ...
26.07.2012 · A very easy way to find out if a name is ‘safe’ or a reserved word is to right-click on it in the Editor. A Help window will appear (or change if it is already open) to give you informaton on the function if it exists, or to say it cannot find anything about that …
05.07.2015 · When debugging, so as not to allow users to call the function with no arguments if this is not its intended use case. If your function is not supposed to behave differently for a different number of inputs. See also function overloading in …
Its a normal error that occurs when the function is compiled. Just try calling the function from the command window and make sure to input variables for x and y ...
Help please with MATLAB ga toolbox (Not enough input arguments). Could someone please help me with this,. I am trying to minimize a 3 variable problem, and, ...
The "Run" button dropdown menu then opens prompting you to enter values for the missing input arguments. Add the desired values and press enter. The values you ...