Deep Learning This section pro vides a concise reference describing the notation used throughout. this b o ok. If y ou are unfamiliar with an y of the corresp onding mathematical. concepts, w e describe most of these ideas in chapters 2–4. Num b ers and Arra ys. a A scalar (integer or real) ... for sup ervised learn-ing. X. The. m ...
Standard notations for Deep Learning Deep Learning representations For representations: nodes represent inputs, activations or outputs edges represent weights or biases Here are several examples of Standard deep learning representations Figure 1: Comprehensive Network: representation commonly used for Neural Networks. For better aesthetic, we omitted the details on the ...
Standard notations for Deep Learning › files › NotationStandard notations for Deep Learning This document has the purpose of discussing a new standard for deep learning mathematical notations. 1 Neural Networks Notations. General comments: thsuperscript (i) will denote the i training example while superscript [l] will denote the lth layer Sizes: m : number of examples in the dataset n x: input size n