CSS Nowrap: The White Space Property - Udemy Blog
blog.udemy.com › css-nowrapNowrap is the closest White Space value equal in appearance to an exact opposite of normal. While sequences of white space still collapse into a single whitespace, the text will never wrap to the next line (never say never, because there is one exception: the text will go on forever unless it encounters a < br/ > tag). Thus,
<td nowrap> - HTML
html.com › attributes › td-nowrapNOWRAP NOWRAP indicates that text should not wrap in the cell. NOWRAP serves much the same purpose as the <NOBR> tag. For example, the following cell will not wrap not matter how long the text. Lines can still be broken explicitly with <BR ...>, <P ...>, and other block level tags. Parent: <TD …> Adam Wood
NOWRAP attribute (body, dd, div, dt, td, th) HTML & XHTML
http://help.dottoro.com › lhnvwgkgNOWRAP attribute (body, dd, div, dt, td, th) ... Browser support: Specifies whether the text in a table cell can be wrapped. This attribute is deprecated. Use the ...
<td nowrap> - HTML
https://html.com/attributes/td-nowrapNOWRAP NOWRAP indicates that text should not wrap in the cell. NOWRAP serves much the same purpose as the <NOBR> tag. For example, the following cell will not wrap not matter how long the text. Lines can still be broken explicitly with <BR ...>, <P ...>, and other block level tags. Parent: <TD …> Adam Wood