SSURGO Refresh Sub-Team | NRCS Soils › wps › portalNASIS Export to Staging Server - Export Status Identifies export status of soil surveys exported from NASIS to the Staging Server for given fiscal year. This will help the SSS track which survey areas have been exported to the staging server during the annual SSURGO refresh. Uses data from the NASIS Distribution Metadata Table to determine status.
Soil Data Systems › OpenNonWebContent(2) Staging Server.—The staging server is the convergent step of the pathway where final validation of tabular and spatial data is performed before archiving to the Soil Data Warehouse and publishing to the Web Soil Survey. The two principal points for the collection and editing of data are NASIS (for the attribute data on soil properties and
Soil Databases | NRCS Soils › wps › portalStaging Server. Provides the authoritative pathway for distributing current official soil survey data to service centers and to the public. The Staging Site (also called Staging Server) is the step on this pathway where final validation of data is performed before their release. ~For internal use only.~. STATSGO2.