Norwegian TV journalists arrested in Qatar › sport › iNov 24, 2021 · Halvor Ekeland reporting from Qatar. Foto: From NRK Sportsrevyen 21.11. Earlier this year, the Norwegian football magazine Josimar published an extensive article on the trial against Ibhais, claiming that he was sentenced for defending the rights of migrant workers in the country.
Urix - Wikipedia › wiki › UrixUrix is a foreign affairs television newsmagazine aired Monday to Thursday night on the Norwegian television channel NRK2, a subsidiary channel of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). The first show aired on 2 September 2002, and is produced by the same crew as Dagsrevyen. The title is a play on the word Utenriks, meaning "foreign ...
inorge.netHalvannen million har fått tredje dose. 1.433.238 personer er vaksinert med tredje dose av koronavaksine i Norge, viser FHIs statistikk fredag. 4.279.565 personer har fått første dose og 3.912.709 har fått andre. 26,6 prosent av befolkningen over 18 år har dermed …
Norwegian TV journalists arrested in Qatar › sport › iNov 24, 2021 · Ghorbani is an experienced staff photographer for NRK. The team were arrested by police late Sunday night, before their depature from Doha. They were released from custody early Tuesday morning and departed Doha late Tuesday night. The reason for the arrest is not yet known. This morning the journalists arrived in Copenhagen on the flight back ...
Utenriks – VG · Alle nyheter Innenriks Utenriks Meninger Coronaviruset. Slik endres valglovene i USA. 24.12.21. Familie på syv funnet død – kan ha blitt kullosforgiftet av ovn i huset. 23.12.21.