28.05.2017 · $\begingroup$ A fractional derivative is when n would be a real number, it doesn't result in this formula if n was a real number $\endgroup$ – Triatticus. May 29 '17 at 6:09. 1 $\begingroup$ There actually are fractional derivatives. Fractional calculus is actually a thing.
26.04.2018 · Explanation: We seek the nth derivative of: f (x) = xsinx. Starting with the given function: f (0)(x) = xsinx. Using the product rule we compute the first derivative: f (1)(x) = x( d dx sinx) +( d dx x)sinx. = xcosx + sinx. Similarity, for the second derivative.
The derivative of sin(x) is cos(x). Why? The derivative of any given function is simply the slope of the tangent line to original function at the x value.
Hint- In order to solve this question, we have to simply differentiate $\dfrac{d}{{dx}}$ the $\sin x$ in order to get some variations to find out the ${n^{th}}$ ...
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1 st derivative of sinx=cosx2 nd derivative of sinx=−sinx3 rd derivative of sinx=−cosx4 th derivative of sinx=sinxSo, depending on the value of n, we write the general expressions of n th derivative of sinxWhen n=4m+1, n th derivative is cosxn=4m+2, it would be −sinxn=4m+3, it would be −cosxn=4m+4, it would be sinx.