Epost og kalender - for ansatte - NTNU og kalender For Medarbeidere ( Gå til E-post for studenter ) Merk: I november starter flyttingen av e-post og kalender for alle NTNUs ansatte til Office 365. Flyttingen gjøres puljevis og vil strekke seg over flere uker. I overgangsperioden vil du kunne oppleve at innhold om e-post på Innsida har avvik og mangler.
E-post - For studenter - NTNU › studentepostE-post for studenter. Logg inn på e-post. Veiledning om e-postløsning. Studenter som er ansatt ved NTNU har en egen e-postløsning. Du finner snarvei til e-post/webmail fra "For studenter" i toppmenyen. E-post - studenter - videresende.
Innsida - intranett - NTNU · Innsida - NTNUs intranett Logg inn Benytt ditt faste NTNU-brukernavn og passord. Innholdet på NTNUs intranett er i stor grad åpent. Se temasider for studenter og ansatte (uten pålogging). Om Innsida Innsida er kjappeste vei inn til andre system og tjenester. Logger man seg på Innsida, blir man samtidig pålogget andre system. Meldinger.
NTNU webmail
webmail.ntnu.noWebmail for ansattes ustandard mailserver ( Alternativ webmail for studenters standard mailserver (O365)
Exams - NTNU Opening hours for telephone inquiries: Monday–Friday 09.00–11.30. Telephone: (+47) 73 59 66 00. For visitors: Visiting address: G470, Gunnerusgate 1, 4th floor, Kalvskinnet. Open by appointment. If you need to deliver …
Email Using Outlook - Kunnskapsbasen - NTNU › wiki › -Note: The transfer of e-mail and calendar for all NTNU's employees to Office 365 will start in November. The transfer will be made in batches and will be in progress for several weeks. During the transition period, you will possibly experience incorrectness in content about e-mail on Innsida. The pages will be continuously adapted to a new ...
Read email with webmail - Kunnskapsbasen - NTNU › wiki › -Webmail can be used to read email, set up forwarding and sort email into folders. This is the NTNU office portal, it contains a lot more than just webmail. Click the Outlook icon to proceed to your webmail. New message Click +NEW at the top left corner. Automatic replies Click the cogwheel and select Automatic replies.
E-post - For studenter - NTNU for studenter Logg inn på e-post Veiledning om e-postløsning Studenter som er ansatt ved NTNU har en egen e-postløsning Du finner snarvei til e-post/webmail fra "For studenter" i toppmenyen. Videresende e-post Videresend e-post fra din NTNU-adresse til en annen konto du bruker. Filtrere e-post Lyst på en ryddigere innboks?
Email - For students - NTNU - For students - NTNU Norwegian Bokmål Email For students ( Email and calendar for employees) Email for students Log in email system Read the user manual for the email system Students with employee affiliation must use a different system Forward your email Forward your NTNU email to another account that you use. Filter your email
Email - For employees - NTNU - For employees - NTNU Norwegian Bokmål Email and calendar for employees. ( See also Email for students ) Note: The transfer of e-mail and calendar for all NTNU's employees to Office 365 will start in November. The transfer will be made …
Email - For employees - NTNU › en-GB › epostNote: The transfer of e-mail and calendar for all NTNU's employees to Office 365 started in November. The transfer will be made in batches and will be in progress for several weeks. During the transition period, you will possibly experience incorrectness in content about e-mail on Innsida. The pages will be continuously adapted to a new solution.