Master's programmes in English - NTNU › studies › internationalInternational master's degrees are programmes taught entirely in English where the student studies for two years at NTNU. Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Master's A programme where the student takes part of his or her studies at NTNU and part of his or her studies at other partner institutions and is awarded a joint or double degree at the completion ...
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering - NTNU › ibmBuilding a sustainable society. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provides competence and technological solutions within our areas of expertise for application in both the public and private sectors. Students and researchers graduating from our programs provide our partners with expertise and skills in the areas of civil and ...
NTNUs kontor i Oslo - NTNU › oslokontorKort om NTNUs kontor i Oslo: Enkel inngangsvei for bedrifter/arbeidsliv som ønsker å samarbeide med NTNU om kompetanseheving. Undervisning i studier du kan ta ved siden av jobb (etter- og videreutdanning). Frokostmøter om aktuelle tema innenfor ulike fagområder ved NTNU. Nettverksbygging og arena for faglig samarbeid
PhD - NTNU › phdA PhD degree is the highest level of formalized education in Norway. A doctoral degree from NTNU qualifies you to a range of positions both in the private and public sector. Though academia has traditionally been the main career path, an increasing number of doctors are going into leading positions in the private sector.
NTNUs kontor i Oslo - NTNU om NTNUs kontor i Oslo: Enkel inngangsvei for bedrifter/arbeidsliv som ønsker å samarbeide med NTNU om kompetanseheving. Undervisning i studier du kan ta ved siden av jobb (etter- og videreutdanning). Frokostmøter om aktuelle tema innenfor ulike fagområder ved NTNU. Nettverksbygging og arena for faglig samarbeid