Year schedule - NTNU › studies › misAug 14, 2020 · This is the year schedule 2020/2021 for the Master’s Degree Programme in Information Security, the Master’s Degree programme in Applied Computer Science and the Experience-based Master’s Programme in in Information Security at NTNU. Information about the autumn semester: Mandatory start Seminar for new master students on Friday August 14. 2020.
Start - NTNU › sgweltech2018 › startAlf Inge Wang is a professor in game technology at Dept. of Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where he teaches programming, game development, and software architecture. His research interests include game-based learning, exergames, game technology, serious games, software architecture, and software ...
Student Organization | Start NTNU | Norge
www.startntnu.noStart NTNU er en non-profitt studentorganisasjon som jobber for at innovasjonsmiljøet på NTNU skal vokse og bli enda bedre! Dette gjør vi gjennom å avholde små og store arrangement for å inspirere nettopp DEG. Vi ønsker å nå ut til flest mulig av studentene på NTNU og jobber for å opprettholde et bredt utvalg av tematikk.
Velkommen til NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet - NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet; Språkvelger. English. Velkommen til NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet. Forsidekarusell vitenskapsmuseet. The Skeleton speaks! I denne utstillingen presenteres ny kunnskap om hvilke sykdommer og skader folk i Trondheims middelalder var plaget med. UlvUlv. UlvUlv er en breddeutstilling om ulv.
SyMBoL – Sustainable Management of heritage ... - NTNU › symbol › startThe Granting Committee for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Technology (FRINATEK) of The Research Council of Norway has awarded Chiara Bertolin (Project Coordinator – Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU-MTP) with the funds to carry on the Young Research Talents project: SyMBoL - Sustainable Management of heritage Buildings in a Long-term perspective.
Start - NTNU › nebNTNU is official partner of the EU commission's New European Bauhaus initiative. This will be an important and exciting partnership for the entire University.. By connecting science and technology with artistic and practice-based research in the cultural and creative sectors, social sciences and humanities, we can create the knowledge necessary to shape climate-neutral futures that are ...