Number2Word - Phone number to word conversion
number2word.comEnter a number (max 14 digits). 2. Click the Number2Word button. 3. Refine the results. The number you entered is converted to several letter combinations ("words"). Only the digits 2-9 are converted; any other characters remain unchanged. Be patient if you want to convert 10+ digits.
Random Number and Letter Set Generator › number-generatorCalculator Use. Generate one or more random number or random letter sets from a range of numbers or letters. The random numbers or letters will be the random sample set. For Sample Size enter the value for the number of samples you need. For the Sample Range enter the range of values to randomly choose from. For example, to choose from 1 to 100 enter 1-100; to choose from a through m enter a-m or A-M.
Number2Word - Phone number to word conversion
number2word.comEnter a number (max 14 digits). 2. Click the Number2Word button. 3. Refine the results. The number you entered is converted to several letter combinations ("words"). Only the digits 2-9 are converted; any other characters remain unchanged. Be patient if you want to convert 10+ digits.
Numbers to Words Converter - CalculatorSoup › numberstowordsCalculator Use. Convert a number to a US English word representation. Convert a number to USD currency and check writing amounts rounded to 2 decimal places. Choose to have words for the numbers in lowercase, uppercase or title case to easily copy and paste to another application. This converter will convert numbers to words and figures to words.