Chapter 5: Numerical Integration and Differentiation › ~xwu › part6Chapter 5: Numerical Integration and Differentiation PART I: Numerical Integration Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas The idea of Newton-Cotes formulas is to replace a complicated function or tabu-lated data with an approximating function that is easy to integrate. I = Z b a f(x)dx … Z b a fn(x)dx where fn(x) = a0 +a1x+a2x2 +:::+anxn. 1 The ...
NumericalDifferentiation andIntegration › h08 › kompendietoff error, we have to treat differentiation and integration differently: Numerical integration is very insensitive to round-off errors, while numerical differentia-tion behaves in the opposite way; it is very sensitive to round-off errors. 11.1 A simple method for numerical differentiation We start by studying numerical differentiation.