5 Numerical Differentiation
www2.math.umd.edu › lecture-notes › differentiation-chapan exact formula of the form f0(x) = f(x+h)−f(x) h − h 2 f00(ξ), ξ ∈ (x,x+h). (5.3) Since this approximation of the derivative at x is based on the values of the function at x and x + h, the approximation (5.1) is called a forward differencing or one-sided differencing. The approximation of the derivative at x that is based on the values of
Numerical differentiation - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_differentiation• http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NumericalDifferentiation.html• Numerical Differentiation Resources: Textbook notes, PPT, Worksheets, Audiovisual YouTube Lectures at Numerical Methods for STEM Undergraduate• ftp://math.nist.gov/pub/repository/diff/src/DIFF Fortran code for the numerical differentiation of a function using Neville's process to extrapolate from a sequence of simple polynomial approximations.