Abjad Calculator
https://www.abjadcalc.comAbjad Calculator In the box below, enter a word or phrase, or anything you like, in Arabic or Persian script. (If this poses a problem, see the “Usage Notes.”) Then hit “Enter” or click the “Go!” button, and the total numerical abjad value of your input will be returned.
English, Hebrew and Simple Gematria Calculator Values
https://www.gematrix.orgYou can view our Gematria Database Statistics for English Gematrica Calculations, for Jewish Gematria Calculation and For Simple Gematria Calculations. The Gamatric values can give you the numerical value by the letters and can be the base for the Numerology calculations.. Gematrix.org - for Underdog Projects - 2010, Just for fun.
Numerical Methods calculators - AtoZmath.com
https://atozmath.com/Menu/ConmMenu.aspxNumerical Methods Calculators ( examples ) 1. Find a root an equation using 1. Bisection Method 2. False Position Method 3. Fixed Point Iteration Method 4. Newton Raphson Method 5. Secant Method 6. Muller Method 7. Halley's Method 8. Steffensen's Method 9. Birge-Vieta method (for nth degree polynomial equation) 10. Bairstow method 2.