Advanced Driver Search | NVIDIA confirm the type of system you have, locate Driver Type under the System Information menu in the NVIDIA Control Panel. For more information, visit What's new in driver development. WHQL Certified , GRD , SD , NFB / QNF , PB / ODE , PB / LLB , NFB / SLB , Beta Release. " WHQL Certified" Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing or WHQL Testing is ...
Advanced Driver Search | NVIDIA › download › findTo confirm the type of system you have, locate Driver Type under the System Information menu in the NVIDIA Control Panel. " WHQL Certified" Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing or WHQL Testing is a testing process which involves running a series of tests on third-party (i.e. non-Microsoft) hardware or software, and then submitting the log ...
What's a legacy driver? | NVIDIA › en-us › driversLegacy GPUs are older-generation NVIDIA GPUs which are no longer supported in the regular NVIDIA Unified UNIX Graphics Driver. Instead, these GPUs will continue to be supported through special "Legacy GPU" drivers that will be updated periodically to add support for new versions of Linux system components (e.g., new Linux kernels, new versions ...
Legacy Stereoscopic 3D Drivers|NVIDIA › en-us › driversJul 20, 2004 · With NVIDIA® GeForce® GPUs, gaming will never be the same. Note: If you are an existing Zalman Trimon users, download the latest Windows Vista or Windows 7 driver for your 3D display. Legacy GeForce Stereoscopic 3D Drivers These drivers are provided for download only and will no longer be supported.