New York ATAP | TIPS Training | State Regulations › states › NYNew York State Liquor Authority : Requirements: New York has a voluntary ATAP training program that is trained with an additional supplement with the TIPS program. A separate state Certificate of Completion will be issued if this program is used. Certification: TIPS Certification is valid for 3 years. Age to consume: 21: Age to pour: 18: Age to Sell: 18: Age to Serve: 18
TIPS Certified - NYC Alcohol Training Awareness (ATAP) › tips-state-pages › new-yorkThe New York TIPS® Alcohol Training Awareness Program (ATAP) is the New York State's Liquor Authorities (NYSLA) training program for servers/sellers of alcoholic beverages. The NYSLA sets the standards for certifying schools to provide the Alcohol Training Awareness Program. ATAP training is not mandatory in the state of New York, however the NYSLA encourages alcohol training and in consideration will mitigate liquor serving violations provided previous violations are more than 5 years old.
TIPS Training NY
www.tipstrainingny.comTIPS is a dynamic skills-based training program designed to prevent alcohol abuse, drunk driving and underage drinking by enhancing the fundamental "people skills" of servers, sellers and consumers of alcohol. TIPS provides the knowledge and confidence individuals need to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and effectively intervene to prevent alcohol-related tragedies.