Nycomed – Store norske leksikon · Nycomed var et norsk farmasikonsern som ble grunnlagt i Oslo i 1874 av apoteker Morten Nyegaard. Det ble opprinnelig grunnlagt som et legemiddelagentur for et tysk firma. Han etablerte sammen med Theodor Haslund firmaet Nyegaard & Co. i 1890. Nyegaard trakk seg ut av firmaet i 1900. Firmaet var lokalisert i Oslo sentrum.
Nycomed - › en › encyclopediaNycomed is a European pharmaceutical company. Nycomed is privately owned primarily by the two private equity investors Nordic Capital and CSFB Alternative Capital. Production is located in Norway, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, India, the United States and Estonia. Head office is located in Zürich, Switzerland.
Nycomed - DigitaltMuseum · Nyco ble i 1981 kjøpt opp av industriselskapet Norgas. I 1986 kjøpte Hafslund farmasiavdelingen av Norgas, (gassdivisjonen ble AGA) og ga Nyegaard / Nyco nytt navn Nycomed AS, som ble datterselskap av konsernet som ble hetende Hafslund Nycomed. I 1990 ble Nycomed delt i legemiddelprodusenten Nycomed Pharma og bildediagnostikk-delen Nycomed …
Nycomed - Wikipedia › wiki › NycomedNycomed is a Swiss pharmaceutical company. Nycomed was acquired by Takeda Pharmaceuticals in September 2011. Production was located in Norway, Denmark, Poland, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Estonia, India, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Head office is located in Zürich, Switzerland. Total revenue was € 3,400 million in 2006 and the group had ...
Nycomed - Wikipedia is a Swiss pharmaceutical company. Nycomed was acquired by Takeda Pharmaceuticals in September 2011. Production was located in Norway, Denmark, Poland, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Estonia, India, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Head office is located in Zürich, Switzerland. Total revenue was €3,400 million in 2006 and the group had 12,000 employees then. The company awarded an annual prize totaling 20,000 euros to four excellent junior scientists at the University …