Faster R-CNN Object Detector | ArcGIS Developer › python › guideUntil Faster R-CNN came out, its contemporaries were using various algorithms for region proposal that were being computed on the CPU and creating a bottleneck. Faster R-CNN improved the object detection architecture by replacing the selection search algorithm in Fast R-CNN with a convolutional network called the Region Proposal Network (RPN).
Object detection using faster-RCNN › ECE228_2019 › Postersimages objects images objects images objects images objects 2007 2501 6301 2510 6307 4952 12032 9963 24640 2012 5717 13609 5823 13841 11540 27540 23080 54900 total 8218 19910 8333 20148 16492 39482 33043 79540 In this project, we are using Faster-RCNN to realize object detections among Pascal VOC. Two different models, VGG16 and ResNet101,