26.09.2021 · How to Solve Error Message : AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘get’ in Django. Before getting on to the solution, the following is the actual ...
In your form you're getting a UserProfile object and then assigning it as a field. But it's not a field, it's a model object. I don't know what you're trying to do there, but don't assign that object to the fields dict.
25.12.2015 · I am getting no attribute 'object' error' here is views.py class CheckoutView(FormMixin , DetailView): model = Cart template_name = "carts/checkout_view.html" form_class = GuestChecko...
I am writing an simple django application and got stuck into this error, can some one please help me my views.py looks exactly as def custom_login(request): ...
from django.shortcuts import render , get_object_or_404,redirect from django.utils import timezone from blog.models import * from blog.forms import * from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth.mixins import …
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.91-py2.4.egg/django/contrib/sessions/models.py", line 21, in get_new_session_key self.get_object (session_key exact=session_key) AttributeError: 'SessionManager' object has no attribute 'get_object' Oldest first Newest first Show comments Show property changes Change History (4)
The first argument to a form is the data but you are passing the instance. To properly pass the instance you should use: intention = Intention.objects.get (pk=id) form = IntentionForm (instance=intention) # An unbound form. Share. Follow this answer to receive notifications. answered Jul 26 '12 at 12:23.
Django: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘get’ ... As a shortcut you can use the redirect [Django docs] to return a response which will redirect the user:
08.12.2021 · from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse from .models import * from django.forms import inlineformset_factory from .forms import OrderForm, CustomerForm # Create your views here. ...
intention = Intention.objects.get (pk=id) form = IntentionForm (intention) # An unbound form. The first argument to a form is the data but you are passing the instance. To properly pass the instance you should use: intention = Intention.objects.get (pk=id) form = IntentionForm (instance=intention) # An unbound form. Share.
Sep 26, 2021 · How to Solve Error Message AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘get’ in Django Well, turns out it generate an error as it exist in the previous part. So, in order to solve the problem, change the way to present or to display the view. It is obvious since it is pointing an error in the ‘views.py’ file.
Dec 25, 2015 · This is because Django's get_context_data() function uses the object to pass it into the context. In case of errors in POST request, this function will be called and it will look for self.object which you did not assign, thereby leading to the error.