Object pronouns, Objektpronomen, Fürwörter der ...
en.longua.org/object.pronouns.phpObject pronouns, Objektpronomen, Fürwörter der Satzergänzung: mich, mir, dich, dir, ihn, ihm, sie, ihr, es, ihm, uns, euch, sie, ihnen, Sie, Ihnen - me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them, you - German Grammar - Deutsche Grammatik Object pronouns The subject uses the nominative, the object uses the accusative or the dative.
Object - Pronouns - longua.org
http://en.longua.org › object.prono...Object pronouns, Objektpronomen, Fürwörter der Satzergänzung: mich, mir, dich, ... him, her, it, us, you, them, you - German Grammar - Deutsche Grammatik ...
Object pronouns - German
german.tolearnfree.com › free-german-lessons › freeLearn German > German lessons and exercises > German test #111001 > Other German exercises on the same topic: Pronouns [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Personal pronouns - Wo/Wohin - Heimat- 'wo' - Links between 2 sentences - Declension : Direct/indirect object pronouns - Personal pronouns - Personal object pronouns - Object personal pronouns