Subject and Object Pronouns Exercise 1 › support-filesSubject and Object Pronouns Exercise 1 Choose the correct pronoun 1. I / me like London. 2. The children are as hungry as we / us. 3. All the students passed except I / me. 4. A: Who’s there? B: I / Me! 5. They / them love vegan food. 6. A: Is that the man you told me about? B: Yes, that’s he / him. 7. We all like cake except she / her. 8.
Subject and Object Pronouns › 4c.~ Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on subject and object pronouns. Have your child pC, ECTIO:n€ write subject pronouns and object pronouns on index cards. Then mix the cards and sort them into subject pronoun and object pronoun piles. Grammar and Writing Practice Book Unit 4 Week 1 Day 4 63
Object Pronouns - New Providence School District › cms › lib1. Place the direct object pronoun immediately before the first verb (conjugated). 2. Attach the direct object pronoun directly to the second verb (infinitive). Note: Both options are used in wrifmg and in conversation; however, the second option is used more frequendy. examples: Te quiero vet. / Quiero verte. I want to see you. Lo puedes beber.
What's the Object Pronoun? - › images › resourcespartner using the word 'blank' for the missing object pronoun. Their partner listens and then repeats the sentence back, adding in a suitable object pronoun from the box on their worksheet. For each correct answer their partner gives, the student scores one point and writes it in the space provided. Correct answers are shown in brackets at the ...