Learning Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation From ...
https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2020/papers/Porzi_Lea…Learning Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation from Automatic Annotations Lorenzo Porzi†, Markus Hofinger‡, Idoia Ruiz∗, Joan Serrat∗, Samuel Rota Bulo`†, Peter Kontschieder† Mapillary Research†, Graz University of Technology‡, Computer Vision Center, UAB∗ research@mapillary.com†, markus.hofinger@icg.tugraz.at‡, {iruiz,joans}@cvc.uab.es∗
Video Object Segmentation using Deep Learning
www.crcv.ucf.edu › REU › 2017In recent years, deep learning has become an important tool in state of the art solutions, train- ing to extract discerning features by using large datasets. Segmentation provides more specified information than a bounding box, differentiating the object per-pixel and tak- ing the shape of the target object.
Central object segmentation by deep learning for fruits and ...
deepai.org › publication › central-objectAug 04, 2020 · Central object segmentation by deep learning for fruits and other roundish objects. 08/04/2020 ∙ by Motohisa Fukuda, et al. ∙ Yamagata University ∙ 41 ∙ share. We present CROP (Central Roundish Object Painter), which identifies and paints the object at the center of an RGB image. Primarily CROP works for roundish fruits in various illumination conditions, but surprisingly, it could also deal with images of other organic or inorganic materials, or ones by optical and electron ...