Troubleshooting the CLI › en-us › iaasIf the oci command isn't found, this can be caused by one of the following reasons: pip installed the package to a different virtual environment than your active one. You switched to a different active virtual environment after you installed the CLI. To determine where the CLI is installed, run the which pip and which oci commands.
oracle - PHP - oci_connect not found - Stack Overflow › questions › 49318856Mar 16, 2018 · public function __construct() { error_reporting(E_ALL); if (function_exists("oci_connect")) { echo "oci_connect found "; } else { echo "oci_connect not found "; exit; } $host = 'localhost'; $port = '1521'; // Oracle service name (instance) $db_name = 'haatbazaar'; $db_username = "SYSTEM"; $db_password = "root"; $tns = "(DESCRIPTION = (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=3)(RETRY_COUNT=0) (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $host)(PORT = $port)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = $db_name ...