OCS Project – Everything around OCS Protocol API
ocs-project.orgWhat is the OCS API? The Open Collaboration Services (OCS) API is a standardized REST API specification for a client - server communication to implement the Social Desktop functionality on open source desktops. It serves as backend of the Social Desktop. Aim of the Open Collaboration Services API (OCS API) is the integration of web communities ...
OCS-API - OpenDesktop.org
https://www.opendesktop.org/ocs-apiOCS-API in use. The OCS API is in use by various software projects, with the most prominent being KDE software, but also VLC. Apps use it for adding new content or addons like Falkon Browser or KPat or to theme the desktop via Discover or GHNS.
OCS Project – Everything around OCS Protocol API
https://ocs-project.orgAim of the Open Collaboration Services API (OCS API) is the integration of web communities and web based services into desktop and mobile applications. It's free, open, scalable, secure, privacy protected and vendor independent. It was designed by openDesktop.org and was defined as an independent standard by freedesktop.org. Therefore everyone ...
OCS-API - OpenDesktop.org
www.opendesktop.org › ocs-apiOCS-API in use. The OCS API is in use by various software projects, with the most prominent being KDE software, but also VLC. Apps use it for adding new content or addons like Falkon Browser or KPat or to theme the desktop via Discover or GHNS.