Office 365 - IT-help UiB may choose to use e-mail address, What is Office 365? Office 365 is a collection of cloud-based services and applications from Microsoft. Note that cloud services like Microsoft OneDrive are not considered …
Office 365 - IT-help UiB › en › Office_365Login with Employees may choose to use e-mail address, What is Office 365? Office 365 is a collection of cloud-based services and applications from Microsoft. Note that cloud services like Microsoft OneDrive are not considered secure storage locations for sensitive information!
Microsoft Office – IT-hjelp UiB har en campus-avtale som gir rett til å installere Microsoft Office på alle Windows- og Mac-maskiner som eies av UiB. Studenter og UiB-ansatte kan laste ned MS Office gratis via Office 365og legge det inn på inntil 5 private maskiner/nettbrett/mobiltelefoner Linux-brukere kan ikke få installert MS Office.
Office 365 Mac - IThelp @ UiB › en › Office_365_MacIf you have Microsoft Office 2016 installed, and want to connect it to your Office 365 account, all you need to do is the following: Open Word and click on "Sign in" to logon Office 365 Type in your email address. Choose "Universitets- og høyskolesektoren" Sign in with your UiB email address and password. All is set.