Does OpenDNS Support IPv6? – OpenDNS › hc › en-usDec 14, 2021 · Our IPv6 DNS server addresses are: 2620:119:35::35. 2620:119:53::53. Currently, it is not possible for users to register IPv6 addresses in the OpenDNS Dashboard. Custom content filtering cannot be set for IPv6 traffic. For users looking for an RFC-compliant DNS service that does not provide any level of filtering, the following IPv6 DNS server addresses can be used instead:
OpenNIC - Public DNS Server DNS servers listed here for OpenNIC are just two of many in the US and across the globe. Instead of using the OpenNIC DNS servers listed above, see their complete list of public DNS servers here and use two that are close to you or, better yet, let them tell you that automatically here. OpenNIC also offers some IPv6 public DNS servers.
IPv6 | OpenDNS › about › innovationsOpenDNS now supports IPv6 addresses — meaning that, by using the OpenDNS Sandbox, you’ll be able to resolve your DNS using IPv6 DNS servers. Why IPv6? IPv6 supports a far larger number of addresses than IPv4, which is why the change is taking place now — since IPv4 was implemented in 1981, the Internet has grown dramatically, and there are no more available IPv4 addresses. How to use IPv6. 1) Verify you have IPv6 Enabled. You can visit Kame to verify you have a working IPv6 IP address ... — the Internet’s Fastest, Privacy-First DNS Resolver your router’s configuration page, locate the DNS server settings. Write down any existing DNS server entries for future reference. Replace those addresses with the DNS addresses: For IPv4: and; For IPv6: 2606:4700:4700::1111 and 2606:4700:4700::1001; Save your settings, then restart your browser. You’re all set ...