Open Source Game Clones
https://osgameclones.comOpen Source Game Clones. This site tries to gather open-source remakes of great old games in one place. If you think that something is missing from the list - please go to our GitHub repository and create an issue or even a pull request!. Since all these projects are open-source you can help them and make this world a better place.
OpenXcom | Open-source clone of the original X-Com
https://openxcom.orgFrom the author’s own words: Monsters in the Dark: The Making of X-COM: UFO Defense tells the story of the early years of legendary strategy game designer Julian Gollop and the making of the original X-COM, and is funding now on Kickstarter. The standard edition will be available from retailers, but the special edition is exclusive to the ...
GitHub - GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars: 100+ open-source clones of ... › GorvGoyl › clone-warsDec 07, 2021 · Clone Wars - Open source clones of popular sites. 100+ open-source clones and alternatives of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, TikTok, Spotify, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. List contains source code, tutorials, demo links, tech stack, and GitHub stars count.
160 Open Source Clones of Popular Sites - Internet ... · This post is a collection of cloned sites to help people learn how the sites are built. You'll find 160 open-source clones and alternatives of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, TikTok, Spotify, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. List contains source code, tutorials, demo links, tech stack, and GitHub.
I made a list of 70+ open-source clones of sites like ... curated a list of 70+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Trello, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. List contains source code, demo links, tech stack, and, GitHub stars count. Great for learning purpose! More open-source contributions are welcome to grow this list.