OpenAPI-Specification/ at main · OAI/OpenAPI ... › blob › mainTooling which supports OAS 3.1 SHOULD be compatible with all OAS 3.1.* versions. The patch version SHOULD NOT be considered by tooling, making no distinction between 3.1.0 and 3.1.1 for example. Occasionally, non-backwards compatible changes may be made in minor versions of the OAS where impact is believed to be low relative to the benefit ...
OpenAPI Specification - Version 3.0.3 | Swagger › specificationFor example, a valid OpenAPI 3.0.2 document, upon changing its openapi property to 3.1.0, SHALL be a valid OpenAPI 3.1.0 document, semantically equivalent to the original OpenAPI 3.0.2 document. New minor versions of the OpenAPI Specification MUST be written to ensure this form of backward compatibility.
Validating OpenAPI and JSON Schema | JSON Schema Blog › blog › postsDec 08, 2021 · The OpenAPI 3.1 Schema dialect. By default, schemas in OpenAPI 3.1 are assumed to use OpenAPI 3.1's custom JSON Schema dialect. This dialect includes full support for all draft 2020-12 features plus a few additional keywords and format values. Validating with the default dialect. There are two schemas available for validating OpenAPI 3.1 documents.