OpenCV: Class List › 4 › annotatedWrapper class which allows the tone mapping algorithm of Meylan&al (2007) to be used with OpenCV. C RetinaParameters. Retina model parameters structure. C IplMagnoParameters. Inner Plexiform Layer Magnocellular channel (IplMagno) C OPLandIplParvoParameters. Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL) and Inner Plexiform Layer Parvocellular (IplParvo ...
OpenCV function list - Stack Overflow · OpenCV function list. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 2 months ago. Modified 4 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 23k times 7 0. Hi I was wondering if there is some sort of resource where I can find all the functions present in OpenCV and and their declarations; without much theory of any sort. The problem with the ...
OpenCV: cv::Mat Class Reference this approach, you first call a constructor of the Mat class with the proper parameters, and then you just put << operator followed by comma-separated values that can be constants, variables, expressions, and so on. Also, note the extra parentheses required to avoid compilation errors. Once the array is created, it is automatically managed via a reference-counting …
OpenCV: Class List › 3 › annotatedClass for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithm, introduced and contributed to OpenCV by K. Konolige C StereoBinarySGBM The class implements the modified H. Hirschmuller algorithm [103] that differs from the original one as follows:
OpenCV: Class List class which allows the tone mapping algorithm of Meylan&al (2007) to be used with OpenCV. C RetinaParameters. Retina model parameters structure. C IplMagnoParameters. Inner Plexiform Layer Magnocellular channel (IplMagno) C OPLandIplParvoParameters. Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL) and Inner Plexiform Layer Parvocellular (IplParvo ...