Docker Hub!openHAB - a vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software for your home. The "app service" of openHAB Cloud including the core features and business logic. The "nginx service" of openHAB Cloud acting as web server & reverse proxy.
Docker Hub › r › openhabThe following will run openHAB in demo mode on the host machine: docker run --name openhab --net=host openhab/openhab:3.1.0. NOTE: Although this is the simplest method to getting openHAB up and running, but it is not the preferred method. To properly run the container, please specify a host volume for the directories.
Docker | openHAB › docs › installationIn Docker openHAB is running in name of openhab, a restricted user. The stick will work if you run the following command right after docker image is started. Linux. Windows. docker exec \ -d \ openhab \ /bin/chmod o+rw /dev/ttyACM0. docker exec ^ -d ^ openhab ^ /bin/chmod o+rw /dev/ttyACM0.