OpenType - Wikipedia is a format for scalable computer fonts. It was built on its predecessor TrueType, retaining TrueType's basic structure and adding many intricate data structures for prescribing typographic behavior. OpenType is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. The specification germinated at Microsoft, with Adobe Systems also contributing by the time of the public announcement in 1996.
Opentype – Wikipedia är ett typsnittsformat utvecklat av Microsoft och Adobe. Opentype är en vidareutveckling av Truetype Open. Microsoft kallade det internt ”Truetype Open v. 2.0” men det ändrades till Opentype före lanseringen av formatet. Version 1.4 av Opentype-specifikationen nämner dock i inledningen att Opentype-typsnitt också kallas för Truetype Open v. 2.0 eftersom de använder Truetypes filform…
OpenType | FontBlogg OpenType font kan jo være så mangt, og det kan noen ganger være litt forvirrende når man kan velge mellom flere versjoner av samme font. De forskjellige produsentene bruker gjerne noen forkortelser i navnet til fonten som forteller litt om hva slags OpenType fonter det er. En kort skjematisk oversikt:
OpenType fonts features | Adobe Type › products › typeThe OpenType format is an extension of the TrueType SFNT format that also can support Adobe® PostScript® font data and new typographic features. OpenType fonts containing PostScript data, such as those in the Adobe Type Library, have an .otf suffix in the font file name, while TrueType-based OpenType fonts have a .ttf file name suffix.
Pango - Wikipedia › wiki › PangoPango (stylized as Παν語) is a text (i.e. glyph) layout engine library which works with the HarfBuzz shaping engine for displaying multi-language text.. Full-function rendering of text and cross-platform support is achieved when Pango is used with platform APIs or third-party libraries, such as Uniscribe and FreeType, as text rendering backends.