Recommended packages for a typical home router? : openwrt › r › openwrtVPN running on a client device should work fine behind an openwrt (or any other) router. 2. level 2. RulerOf. Op · 3y. “VPN Passthrough” is a setting that was present on older linksys models and is still present and enabled by default in dd-wrt. IPSec, PPTP, and L2TP VPN tunnels wont work through the device if the options aren’t turned on.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Ad blocking blocking Ad blocking can be done in several ways: * Packages adblock + luci-app-adblock. The latest adblock online documentation can be found here: README * Packages simple-adblock + luci-app-simple-adblock. The latest Simple Adblock online documentation can be found here: README * Package banhostlist (has not been updated since 2015)
[OpenWrt Wiki] Packages · Packages The OpenWrt distributions provide several thousand packages to extend the functionality of your device. The browseable package lists in this wiki will always show packages available in the latest update of the stable release. Package database of 21.02