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openwrt docker network

OpenWrt as Docker container host
https://openwrt.org › virtualization
OpenWrt as Docker container host As of OpenWrt 20.xx release (or snapshot images), OpenWrt can be used as Docker host at least on x86_64 ...
How to Run Openwrt in a Docker Container | MingGor
05.08.2020 · 7)执行下记命令通过docker容器运行Openwrt. bash. 1. docker run --restart always -d --network macnet --device /dev/ppp --hostname OpenWRT -- cap -add NET_ADMIN --name alpha openwrt /sbin/init. 8)修改Docker容器中Openwrt的网络配置. 经过上面的一系列操作,Openwrt已经运行在Docker容器中了,但是我们还是 ...
GitHub - lisaac/openwrt-in-docker: openwrt running in docker
github.com › lisaac › openwrt-in-docker
#进入容器 docker exec -it openwrt /bin/sh #编辑 / etc/config/network config interface 'lan' option type 'bridge' option ifname 'eth0' # 需要与 docker netwrok 中的虚拟接口匹配(macvLan) option proto 'static' option ipaddr '' option netmask '' option ip6assign '60' config interface 'wan' option ifname 'eth1' # 需要与 docker netwrok 中的虚拟接口 ...
Openwrt 下 Docker 网络食用方法 - 知乎
docker network create -d macvlan \ --subnet= --gateway= \ -o parent=br-lan \ -o macvlan_mode=bridge \ macnet 请注意这里的 subnet 不要和其他接口冲突(若要使用同网段后面会讲), parent 使用 br-lan ,然后在 Openwrt 上创建 macvlan 设备
Add multitple Wan #29 - gitmemory
https://gitmemory.cn › repo › issues
Am trying to install and use mwan3 load balancing on openwrt packag install. docker network create --driver macvlan --subnet -o parent=eth1 ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt as Docker container host
10.07.2021 · OpenWrt as Docker container host As of OpenWrt 20.xx release (or snapshot images), OpenWrt can be used as Docker host at least on x86_64 (PC/server) architecture. There are two main ways to use Docker as a host, install Docker Community Edition, or use native OpenWrt tools that support Docker container specification.
openwrt.club › 93
Using Portainer to Deploy OpenWRT Docker - Cybersecurity ...
http://blog.51sec.org › Docker
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=wlan0 macnet.
Use Portainer to Deploy OpenWRT Docker as Router on the ...
https://www.youtube.com › watch
This video is to show how to use Portainer to deploy OpenWRT into your Docker environment, which ...
Docker macvlan network on OpenWRT x86
https://forums.docker.com › docke...
Hi, I'm trying to use OpenWRT x86/64 as a Docker host to run pihole attached to the LAN network of OpenWRT. I have done this before with an ...
Docker安装OpenWRT做旁路由,魔法上网 - 科技玩家
20.12.2021 · 配置 OpenWRT 容器网络 docker exec -it OpenWRT bash. OpenWRT 是前面 --name 指定的容器名字,没有指定的话以通过运行 docker container ls 显示出的 NAMES 字段获得。 这样我们就进到OpenWRT的系统里了。 vi /etc/config/network
oofnikj/docker-openwrt: OpenWrt running in Docker - GitHub
https://github.com › oofnikj › doc...
Inspired by other projects that run hostapd in a Docker container. This goes one step further and boots a full network OS intended for embedded devices called ...
Has anyone tried running OpenWRT in a docker container? I
https://www.reddit.com › comments
I'm curious, how does it change the network landscape? Do we sacrifice the 100 Gbit speeds using OpenWRT in a docker? What are the drawbacks if ...
Using Portainer to Deploy OpenWRT Docker - Cybersecurity Memo
docker pull sulinggg/openwrt:latest docker run --restart always --name openwrt -d --network macnet --privileged sulinggg/openwrt:latest /sbin/init After deployed the dock, check the ip address allocated from network macnet. You will need to manually set this ip into docker's /etc/config/network file.
Install Plex Media Server as a Docker Container on OpenWrt
https://wiki.seeedstudio.com › Ope...
You can install Plex Media Server software on a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer, network-attached storage (NAS) device or even a router. You can stream all your ...
手把手带你玩转NAS 篇十六:NAS软路由我全都要——Docker安 …
Docker安装Openwrt. 拿出咱们的SSH工具(putty,Xshell什么的均可),IP填写N1的地址,选择SSH,点击OPEN。. 弹出一个小框,不用管,直接点击是就行了。. 进入系统会要求输入账号密码(小钢炮的),输入密码的时候不显示,输入好以后回车就是了。. 输入命令拉取镜像 ...
N1 刷入 Armbian 5.77 安装 Docker OpenWRT 等 | 垃圾站
cyhour.com › 1333
Nov 01, 2021 · 比如 Docker 安装 OpenWRT 当旁路由科学上网,可以试试 flippy 的 Docker OpenWRT: docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 macnet docker run --restart always -d --name=OpenWrt --network macnet --privileged unifreq/openwrt-aarch64:latest /sbin/init
网关代理-告别https_proxy | shareinto
15.12.2021 · 3 # start openwrt 4 docker rm -f openwrt 5 docker run --restart no --name openwrt -d --network macvlan0 --ip --privileged openwrt:hkv2r ay /sbin/init 6 7 # set route to openwrt 8 ip link add link eth0 dev macv1 type macvlan mode bridge 9 ip link set macv1 up 10 ip route add dev macv1 11 ip route del default
Docker Bridge Conflicts with Host Network - Stack Overflow
When docker networks are created (e.g. using docker network create or indirectly through docker-compose) without explicitly specifying a subnet range, dockerd allocates a new /16 network, starting from 172.N.0.0/16, where N is a number that is incremented (e.g. N=17, N=18, N=19, N=20, ...). A given N is skipped if a docker network (a custom one, or the default docker bridge) …
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt as a Docker Image
15.08.2020 · The goal of this document is to run OpenWrt images on docker, a container system based on LXC. Import the base image: Run a simple cat inside the docker image: Let's run a basic command: You can also run an interactive shell: There …