[OpenWrt Wiki] Accessing LuCI web interface securely
openwrt.org › docs › guide-userNov 10, 2021 · Fill root@openwrt.lan on Host Name field and 22 on Port field. If you have modified your OpenWrt hostname and SSH listen port, you need to adjust the value accordingly. On the Saved Sessions field, type a unique name, such as OpenWrt LuCI Tunnel. Click Save, so that you don't need to repeat this setup for future use.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Secure your router's access
openwrt.org › docs › guide-userOct 03, 2020 · To enable ssh access, you should make a password for that user, create his home folder and most importantly indicate the shell of that user: passwd nicolaus mkdir /home mkdir /home/nicolaus chown nicolaus /home/nicolaus vi /etc/passwd nicolaus:x:1000:1000:nicolaus:/home/nicolaus:/bin/ash.