GitHub - vanhoefm/fragattacks · ./ wlan0 ping --inject-test[-postauth] self ./ wlan0 ping --inject-test[-postauth] self --ap Unfortunately, the above tests can only test if the kernel overwrites fields of injected frames, it cannot test whether the firmware or …
FragAttack vulnerabilities › networking › fragattack-vulnerabilitiesMay 24, 2021 · ICASI statement/annoucement about the FragAttack : OpenWRT already patached on master branch : MikroTik mentioned will patch soon : ASUS already started patches as early as in April, e.g for RT-AX86U, ZenWiFi XT8, GT-AC5300, RT-AC86U, RT-AC68U, etc. Even for the new up-coming ZenWiFi XD6 : Well done ASUSWrt.
GitHub - vanhoefm/fragattacks › vanhoefm › fragattackMay 11, 2021 · ./ wlan0 ping --inject-test[-postauth] self ./ wlan0 ping --inject-test[-postauth] self --ap Unfortunately, the above tests can only test if the kernel overwrites fields of injected frames, it cannot test whether the firmware or wireless chip itself overwrites fields.
FragAttacks: Security flaws in all Wi-Fi devices
www.fragattacks.comIntroduction. This website presents FragAttacks ( fr agmentation and ag gregation attacks) which is a collection of new security vulnerabilities that affect Wi-Fi devices. An adversary that is within range of a victim's Wi-Fi network can abuse these vulnerabilities to steal user information or attack devices.