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openwrt history

OpenWrt - Wikipedia
The OpenWrt project was started in 2004 after Linksys had built the firmware for their WRT54G series of wireless routers with code licensed under the GNU General Public License. Under the terms of that license, Linksys was required to make the source code of its modified version available under the same license, which enabled independent developers to create derivative versions. Support was originally limited to the WRT54G series, but has since been expanded to include many other router…
[OpenWrt Wiki] Welcome to the OpenWrt Project
Sep 04, 2021 · OpenWrt occupies a special place in the history of software freedom. OpenWrt's creation and launch shows that GPL enforcement works and advances software freedom. In 2004, when Linksys released the firmware code for the WRT54G router series, coders and tinkerers regained control over their own routers, and launched OpenWrt based on the sources ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] About the OpenWrt/LEDE project
34 rader · 25.08.2021 · About the OpenWrt/LEDE project OpenWrt is a highly extensible GNU/ …
OpenWrt - Devopedia
https://devopedia.org › openwrt
OpenWrt is a Linux-based customizable operating system for embedded devices ... OpenWrt intro, installation and configuration. ... "OpenWrt Version History.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Welcome to the OpenWrt Project
04.09.2021 · OpenWrt occupies a special place in the history of software freedom. OpenWrt's creation and launch shows that GPL enforcement works and advances software freedom. In 2004, when Linksys released the firmware code for the WRT54G router series, coders and tinkerers regained control over their own routers, and launched OpenWrt based on the sources liberated …
[OpenWrt Wiki] Documentation
openwrt.org › docs
Mar 15, 2021 · You are here Documentation Documentation OpenWrt is a highly extensible GNU/Linux distribution for embedded devices (typically wireless routers). Unlike many other distributions for routers, OpenWrt is built from the ground up to be a full-featured, easily modifiable operating system for embedded devices.
Internet History Tracker? - r/openwrt
https://libredd.it › openwrt › otezoc
Is there a plugin for openWRT that will log traffic that goes through my router and display it as internet history per each MAC or IP ...
Historical pre-merge OpenWrt archive - GitHub
https://github.com › openwrt › arc...
Historical pre-merge OpenWrt archive. Contribute to openwrt/archive development by creating an account on GitHub.
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OpenWrt 版本发展历史简介, 版本介绍 - 佐须之男的博客
26.08.2021 · OpenWrt 版本发展历史简介, 版本介绍. 作者:佐须之男,精通嵌入式Linux开发,专注于OpenWrt等开源路由器系统的开发、培训、技术咨询,拥有15年的Linux使用经验。. 前言:相信很多网友对OpenWrt发行版的版本特别疑惑,所以我根据OpenWrt官方的wiki整理了一份简版的 ...
Internet History Tracker? : r/openwrt - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › otezoc
Is there a plugin for openWRT that will log traffic that goes through my router and display it as internet history per each MAC or IP ...
OpenWrt - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › O...
History[edit] ... The OpenWrt project was started in 2004 after Linksys had built the firmware for their WRT54G series of wireless routers with code ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] About the OpenWrt/LEDE project
openwrt.org › about
Aug 25, 2021 · The name OpenWrt stems from the beginning of the open wireless router movements, starting with the first White Russian releases for WRT54G routers, marking the start of future wireless router firmware development.
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt v21.02.0 Changelog
OpenWrt v21.02.0 Changelog This change log lists all commits done in OpenWrt 21.02 since OpenWrt 19.07 was branched off in June 2019. Commits are roughly grouped by subsystem and chronologically ordered from top to bottom and cover the Git repository history until the
Astrill Openwrt - Dehumidifier
http://www.cndehumidifier.com › ...
OpenWrt is an open-source firmware based on Linux for wireless routers This article was ... however it will not store the data for historical view.
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 版本历史
13.10.2020 · OpenWrt 版本历史 初期 OpenWrt项目始创于2004年1月. 第一个OpenWrt版本基于WRT54G的Linksys GPL源和uClibc项目的buildroot. 这个版本被称为OpenWrt“稳定发行版”,并被广泛使用. 仍然有许多OpenWrt应用程序基于此版本, 如Freifunk-Firmware 及 Sip@Home.
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt version history
openwrt.org › about › history
Dec 13, 2021 · The OpenWrt project started in January 2004. The first OpenWrt versions were based on Linksys GPL sources for WRT54G and a buildroot from the uClibc project. This version was known as OpenWrt stable release and was widely in use. There are still many OpenWrt applications, like the Freifunk-Firmware or Sip@Home, which are based on this version.
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt version history
13.12.2021 · OpenWrt version history Beginning The OpenWrt project started in January 2004. The first OpenWrt versions were based on Linksys GPL sources for WRT54G and a buildroot from the uClibc project. This version was known as OpenWrt stable release and was widely in use. There are still many OpenWrt applications, like the Freifunk-Firmware or Sip@Home, which are based …
Software:OpenWrt - HandWiki
https://handwiki.org › wiki › Softw...
History. The OpenWrt project was started in 2004 after Linksys had built the firmware for their WRT54G series of wireless routers with code ...
OpenWrt · GitHub
Historical pre-merge OpenWrt archive C 51 65 routing Public. OpenWrt Routing Packages Shell 212 223 Repositories Type. Select type. All Public Sources Forks Archived Mirrors. Language. Select language. All C JavaScript Makefile Shell. Sort. Select order. Last updated Name ...
OpenWrt - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › OpenWrt
The OpenWrt project was started in 2004 after Linksys had built the firmware for their WRT54G series of wireless routers with code licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Monitor home network with OpenWRT and syslog-ng
20.03.2019 · Logging connection tracking data with OpenWRT and syslog-ng. My original idea was to log the SYN and ACK,FIN packets with Iptables on the FORWARD chain and correlate them. However it did not work as I planned. Although the most important data are included in syslog messages like network source, destination, port numbers.
Enable bash history - Installing and Using OpenWrt
https://forum.openwrt.org › enable...
I am using LuCI openwrt-19.07 on my Archer C7 and I see that there's no bash history functionality. Is there a way to enable it and possibly ...