[OpenWrt Wiki] Using Dependencies
https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/dependencies27.02.2010 · If you say +PACKAGE_packageb:packagec, it means that packagec will only get selected by the current package (e.g. tcpdump) if packageb is enabled. e.g. DEPENDS:=+PACKAGE_arpd:libpcap. would mean that if tcpdump was selected, then if arpd was also selected, select libpcap . Useful is the negation ! to only select a Package if it's not build …
[OpenWrt Wiki] Creating packages
openwrt.org › docs › guide-developerNov 16, 2021 · OpenWrt works under the assumption of one source per package Makefile, but you can split that source into as many packages as desired. Since you only need to compile the sources once, there's one global set of “Build” defines, but you can add as many “Package/” defines as you want by adding extra calls to BuildPackage – see the dropbear package for an example.
OpenWrt Dev Tutorial
www.ccs.neu.edu › OpenWrt_Dev_TutorialMakefile$defines$the$instructions$ofbuilding$a$OpenWRT$package,$including$where$to$download$ the$source$code,$how$to$compile,$which$path$in$the$firmware$should$the$compiled$binarybe$ installed,etc.$$Atypical$OpenWRT$package$directory$has$NO$source$folder.$$Downloading$the$ source$tar$ball$from$proper$URL$isgenerally$the$first$step$of$building$OpenWRT$package.$The$
[OpenWrt Wiki] Creating a package from your application
openwrt.org › docs › guide-developerJun 01, 2018 · The OpenWrt build system revolves heavily around the concept of packages. They are the bread and butter of the system. No matter the software, there's almost always a package for it. This applies to nearly everything in the system, be it the target-independent tools, the cross-compilation toolchain, the Linux kernel of the target firmware, the additional modules that are bundled with the kernel or the various applications that will be installed onto the root file system of the target firmware.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Creating packages
https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/packages24.07.2009 · If you look at a typical package directory in OpenWrt you'll find three things: package/Makefile package/patches package/files The patches directory is optional and typically contains bug fixes or optimizations to reduce the size of the executable. The files directory is optional. It typically includes default config or init files.