ipkg.be :: OpenWrt Package Repository Tracker
www.ipkg.beWelcome to ipkg.be! This site hosts a tracker for packages created for the OpenWrt Linux Distribution. OpenWrt runs on small embedded devices like Linksys WRT54G, Asus WL-500g and WL-HDD, and many others. Note: Packages from third party ipkg repositories are not officially supported by the OpenWrt team. • 27-Feb-2006 - Tracker launched!
[OpenWrt Wiki] Packages
openwrt.org › packagesSep 15, 2021 · Fetch a list of available packages from the OpenWrt package repository. opkg list: Display a list of available packages and their descriptions. opkg list | grep -e <search> Filter the list by a search term in the package name or its description. opkg install <packages> Install a package. opkg remove <packages> Uninstall a previously installed ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Managing packages
openwrt.org › managing_packagesOct 06, 2021 · Managing packages This article relies on the following: * Accessing OpenWrt WebUI * Accessing OpenWrt CLI Introduction * There are multiple packages available in the OpenWrt package repository. * This how-to describes the method for managing OpenWrt packages. Goals * Search, install and remove OpenWrt packages.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Packages
https://openwrt.org/packages15.09.2021 · Packages The OpenWrt distributions provide several thousand packages to extend the functionality of your device. The browseable package lists in this wiki will always show packages available in the latest update of the stable release. Package database of 21.02
[OpenWrt Wiki] Creating packages
https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/packages24.07.2009 · Creating packages See also -> Package Policy Guide, which contains a wealth of extra technical information not covered here. One of the things that we've attempted to do with OpenWrt's template system is make it incredibly easy to port software to OpenWrt. If you look at a typical package directory in OpenWrt you'll find three things: