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openwrt redirect ip

r/openwrt - Is it possible to redirect a specific domain ...
Newbie here. I installed Openwrt luci on the Netgear R8000. Installed the QOS application on it and it doesn't show any interfaces or any queue discipline in the QOS menu to tweak. Also is it possible to have 3 wifi networks on one 2.4ghx radio with different ip subnets. one with 192.x.x.x , 172.x.x.x, and one with 10.x.x.x.
Redirect domain to localIP : r/openwrt - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › comments
... rules to redirect requests to that ip and port 80 to a router's ip on a different port. Look up stangri OpenWrt repo fakeinternet to see ...
r/openwrt - Redirect all traffic for one internal address ...
Redirect all traffic for one internal address to another? I'm trying to set up Pi-hole on my network, but I only want to use it on certain devices so I'm configuring them manually. I have Dnsmasq set up to give only those devices the RPi as the DNS server, and that's working, but the problem is that they're both Android and Android apparently ...
networking - Redirect DNS requests with OpenWrt - Server Fault
27.08.2014 · I'm was usng OpenWRT and trying to redirect all DNS traffic to AdGuard on a separate machine. I tried: Setting WAN interface DNS forward to my AdGuard server; Setting DHCP with option 6 enabled to make clients use my AdGuard server; Setting OpenWRT's system DNS forward to my AdGuard server; All with no success.
Redirect global ip to local ip - Installing and Using OpenWrt
https://forum.openwrt.org › redirec...
Hi, First, thanks for this project, I was able to install OpenWrt on my ... how to configure OpenWrt to redirect a global ip to a local one.
Redirecting port 53 : openwrt - reddit
I am using a Gli-net router with OpenWRT with Pi-hole internal, I am noticing some port 53 traffic from clients are bypassing my PI and going external to their own DNS. I am looking for a simple walkthrough to redirect all port 53 traffic from any IP besides (hi-hole) to it.
Filter port forwarding rules based on domain name on OpenWrt
https://gist.github.com › lightrush
/etc/config/dhcp: ... # Tell DNSmasq to add IP addressess resolved for the listed domains in the ipset config dnsmasq ... list ipset '/my.domain.name.com/ ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] DNS hijacking
21.11.2021 · DNS hijacking This article relies on the following: * Accessing OpenWrt CLI * Managing configurations * Managing packages * Managing services Introduction * This how-to describes the method for intercepting DNS traffic on OpenWrt. * You can combine it with VPN or DNS encryption to protect DNS traffic. Goals * Override preconfigured
Redirect global ip to local ip - OpenWrt Forum
13.12.2020 · I am new to OpenWrt and have only a basic understanding of networking. It's not that I have no idea on how the things work, but there was never a need to dive to deep. I am sorry if my question is already asked several times or is dump, but I was not able to find how to configure OpenWrt to redirect a global ip to a local one. My problem is:
OpenWRT and iptables: redirect all traffic from ip1 to ip2
https://superuser.com › questions
1.42 should a static IP. So that: each time the embedded system that now is at is on sends a message to the router and the router set the iptable ...
OpenWRT redirect all NTP queries to specific servers
06.01.2016 · Add a few lines into Network > Firewall > Custom Rules to redirect all NTP requests to the router’s NTP forwarder regardless of the intended host …
[OpenWrt Wiki] Firewall configuration /etc/config/firewall
16.12.2021 · Redirects IP sets Includes Firewall configuration /etc/config/firewall OpenWrt's firewall management application fw3has three provisioning mechanisms Configuration files: /etc/firewall.user /etc/config/firewall Most of the information in this wiki will focus on the configuration files and content.
Enable port forwarding for the OpenWrt - cFos Software GmbH
https://www.cfos.de › en-us › open...
1 Log into your router using your username and password (Default IP:, Username: root, default password: none) · 2 Click on "Network" then "Firewall" ...
OpenWRT - How to redirect all subdomains of a hostname
https://serverfault.com › questions
I have an OpenWRT router setup, , with search domain, local (as opposed to the default lan ). I have a server setup, ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] uHTTPd Web Server Configuration
27.08.2021 · uHTTPd Web Server Configuration The /etc/config/uhttpd configuration is provided by the uhttpd web server package. This file defines the behavior of the server and default values for certificates generated for SSL operation. uhttpd supports multiple instances (i.e. multiple listen ports, each with its own document root and other features) as well as cgi, php7, perl and lua.
Redirect IP traffic to another host | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › Redire...
I do not want to expose the ssh port and port 8080 to the Internet. In my previous setup (with OpenWrt CC), I realized this by a redirect rule, which redirects ...
Feature Request: LUCI - Traffic Redirection - 'Internal IP ...
luci redirection.jpg (116.6 KB) - added by desigabri 6 years ago. luci redirection page nmap.png (131.2 KB) - added by camden lindsay <camden.lindsay+openwrt@…> 6 years ago. nmap look at two forwards, one with traffic rule traffic_rules.png (157.1 KB) - added by camden lindsay <camden.lindsay+openwrt@…> 6 years ago.