My complete OpenWrt Setup Guide - · General OpenWRT Setup First thing to do is to flash the original firmware with OpenWRT. to go into the details because they differ from router to router. At the end you should have an installed and working OpenWRT. I do not install LuCI to Just ssh’ing into the box is fine. After installing is done you login via Telnet: telnet
[OpenWrt Wiki] User guide · Scripts to get information from modems. Simple WAN Failover with 3G/LTE WWAN - Using a second router in the same LAN. Smartphone USB reverse tethering with OpenWrt. Smartphone USB tethering. TR-069 / CWMP. Using multiple public IPs on WAN interface. Using multiple wan with multiple routers. WAN interface protocols.
[OpenWrt Wiki] LuCI essentials essentials This article relies on the following: * Accessing OpenWrt CLI * Managing configurations * Managing packages * Managing services Introduction While OpenWrt can be managed completely using SSH and the terminal, the LuCI WebUI makes many administration tasks easier. The OpenWrt full releases, such as the current 18.06.x series, ship with the LuCI …