docker-openwrt-sdk. This is a docker container for the OpenWRT / LEDE SDK.. To run a shell as openwrt user in the SDK container, execute the following command:
docker container ls $ docker exec -it -u openwrt -w /home/openwrt/sdk [docker_container-id] /bin/bash. Own package Makefiles can be copied into the sub ...
Contains the OpenWrt SDK based on a debian:latest container with required packages preinstalled. This can be usefull when building packages on MacOS X, Windows ...
04.12.2021 · Using the SDK. The SDK is a pre-compiled toolchain designed to cross compile packages for a specific target without compiling the whole system from scratch. Tasks you can do with the SDK: Compile custom software for a specific release while ensuring binary and feature compatibility. Compile newer versions of certain packages for a specific release.
sdk. Contains the OpenWrt SDK based on a debian:latest container with required packages preinstalled. This can be usefull when building packages on MacOS X, Windows ...