[OpenWrt Wiki] package: uboot-envtools
openwrt.org › packages › pkgdataJan 09, 2022 · uboot-envtools Version: 2021.01-10 Description: This package includes tools to read and modify U-Boot bootloader environment.\\ \\ Installed size: 13kB Dependencies: libc Categories: utilities---boot-loaders Repositories: base OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-21.02.0 File size: 14kB License: GPL-2.0 GPL-2.0+ Maintainer: OpenWrt team Bug report: Bug ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] package: uboot-envtools
https://openwrt.org/packages/pkgdata/uboot-envtools09.01.2022 · uboot-envtools Version: 2021.01-10 Description: This package includes tools to read and modify U-Boot bootloader environment.\\ \\ Installed size: 13kB Dependencies: libc Categories: utilities---boot-loaders Repositories: base OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-21.02.0 File size: 14kB License: GPL-2.0 GPL-2.0+ Maintainer: OpenWrt team Bug report: Bug ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Das U-Boot
openwrt.org › docs › techrefDas U-Boot Modifications If somebody writes a patch for the bootloader implementation of a particular device, you will find links to this on the wiki-page for that device. Additionally, we accumulate all the patches written for a particular bootloader on its own page.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Das U-Boot Environment
openwrt.org › docs › techrefIt is called the u-boot environment. It stores some values like the IP address of the TFTP server (on your PC) to which the the TFTP client (part of U-Boot) will try to connect, etc. You can read and write these values when you are connected to the U-Boot console via Serial Port and also from the CLI once you booted OpenWrt.