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openwrt uninstall package

opkg remove --autoremove package luci-app ... - OpenWrt
dev.archive.openwrt.org › ticket › 10743
Refusing to remove essential package libpthread. Removing an essential package may lead to an unusable system, but if you enjoy that kind of pain, you can force opkg to proceed against its will with the option: --force-removal-of-essential-packages. zlib was autoinstalled and is now orphaned, removing. Removing package zlib from root...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Opkg package manager
https://openwrt.org › guide-user
OPKG needs the content of this folder in order to install or upgrade packages or to print info about them. You can safely delete the ...
Uninstall package to reclaim flash space - OpenWrt Forum
https://forum.openwrt.org › uninst...
I need to free up space on my wr-740, which packages I can uninstall without causing a problem and without having to generate new firmware.
Which packages can I safely remove to save space? - OpenWRT
https://openwrt.org › faq › which_...
Which packages can I safely remove to save space? Issue: Flash space is scarce on devices with only 4MB flash, and I don't have enough space ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Managing packages
16.04.2019 · Managing packages This article relies on the following: * Accessing OpenWrt WebUI * Accessing OpenWrt CLI Introduction * There are multiple packages available in the OpenWrt package repository. * This how-to describes the method for managing OpenWrt packages. Goals * Search, install and remove OpenWrt packages.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Managing packages
openwrt.org › managing_packages
Oct 06, 2021 · Managing packages This article relies on the following: * Accessing OpenWrt WebUI * Accessing OpenWrt CLI Introduction * There are multiple packages available in the OpenWrt package repository. * This how-to describes the method for managing OpenWrt packages. Goals * Search, install and remove OpenWrt packages.
Uninstall package to reclaim flash space - OpenWrt Forum
16.11.2019 · If you have installed packages that were not included in the original ROM using the opkg install system, you can remove them to free up space. opkg remove <package_name>. But to reiterate, this only works for user-installed packages not included in the image you used to flash OpenWrt onto the router. 5 Likes. juppin November 15, 2019, 4:21pm #4.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Packages
https://openwrt.org › packages › start
Install a package. opkg remove <packages>, Uninstall a previously installed package. Legacy packages. Information that ...
Package management with OPKG | 8devices Wiki
http://www.8devices.com › wiki
root@OpenWrt:/# cat /etc/opkg.conf src/gz snapshots ... Remove a package and orphaned dependancies. opkg remove --autoremove package_name.
[OpenWrt Wiki] Which packages can I safely remove to save ...
8 rader · 11.09.2019 · Which packages can I safely remove to save space? Issue: Flash space …
[OpenWrt Wiki] Managing packages
https://openwrt.org › guide-user
Install a package. opkg remove <packages>, Uninstall a previously installed package. This website uses cookies. By using the website, ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Uninstall OpenWrt / back to stock firmware
openwrt.org › faq › uninstall_openwrt_back_to_stock
Sep 11, 2019 · Uninstall OpenWrt / back to stock firmware Issue: I want to uninstall OpenWrt / go back to stock firmware. How can I do this? Solution: * See Back to original firmware * See the devicepage of your device, it may contain uninstall instructions.
Uninstall package to reclaim flash space - OpenWrt
forum.openwrt.org › t › uninstall-package-to-reclaim
Nov 14, 2019 · If you have installed packages that were not included in the original ROM using the opkg install system, you can remove them to free up space. opkg remove <package_name>. But to reiterate, this only works for user-installed packages not included in the image you used to flash OpenWrt onto the router. 5 Likes. juppin November 15, 2019, 4:21pm #4.
How to remove installed packages to save firmware space?
https://forum.openwrt.org › how-t...
I have an old TL-740N router and installed openwrt few days ago. I want to limit bandwidth for some user. For that i have to install a new ...
[Solved] Which packages using space, which can be removed
https://forum.openwrt.org › solved...
What's essential of python packages? I have looked at https://oldwiki.archive.openwrt.org/doc/software/python, but don't wish to uninstall ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Packages
openwrt.org › packages
Sep 15, 2021 · Fetch a list of available packages from the OpenWrt package repository. opkg list: Display a list of available packages and their descriptions. opkg list | grep -e <search> Filter the list by a search term in the package name or its description. opkg install <packages> Install a package. opkg remove <packages> Uninstall a previously installed ...
[Solved] How to remove unused dependencies from LEDE?
https://forum.openwrt.org › solved...
Just issue the command "firstboot" (or just press that "Perform reset" button) and that should remove all your package changes and config change ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Packages
15.09.2021 · Packages The OpenWrt distributions provide several thousand packages to extend the functionality of your device. The browseable package lists in this wiki will always show packages available in the latest update of the stable release. Package database of 21.02
[OpenWrt Wiki] Uninstall OpenWrt / back to stock firmware
11.09.2019 · Uninstall OpenWrt / back to stock firmware Issue: I want to uninstall OpenWrt / go back to stock firmware. How can I do this? Solution: * See Back to original firmware * See the devicepage of your device, it may contain uninstall instructions. faq after_installation
How to properly remove LuCi from OpenWrt | Hamy - The IT Guy
hamy.io › post › 0016
Aug 28, 2019 · Another method that some use to “remove” LuCi, is by issuing: opkg --autoremove remove luci. This may seem to work, but in reality LuCi packages are not really removed this way and the related files will only be masked by OverlayFS. This is because the packages are built into the firmware itself. While OpenWrt snapshot releases ...
Uninstall upgraded packages - Installing and Using OpenWrt
https://forum.openwrt.org › uninst...
I just started using OpenWrt and after few days I found the Software/Updates tab and upgraded some packages. Later I learned that it will ...
#10743 (opkg remove --autoremove package luci ... - OpenWrt
Refusing to remove essential package libpthread. Removing an essential package may lead to an unusable system, but if you enjoy that kind of pain, you can force opkg to proceed against its will with the option: --force-removal-of-essential-packages. zlib was autoinstalled and is now orphaned, removing. Removing package zlib from root...
[OpenWrt Wiki] Which packages can I safely remove to save space?
openwrt.org › faq › which_packages_can_i_safely
Sep 11, 2019 · Solution: You can save some space while compiling your own image (e.g. with the imagebuilder) by removing packages that are not needed for your usecase. In order to completely remove IPv6 support and related packages you also need to ask the imagebuilder to do so by also passing this option to the make command: “CONFIG_IPV6=n”.