OpenWRT is currently the best operating system for running high-throughput, open-source WiFi access points. It has a full 802.11a/b/g/n/ac support out of the box. pfSense and OPNSense don't support the 802.11ac mode yet. IPFire supports 802.11ac only partially, with much worse performance. If you want to run a reliable and high-performance WiFi ...
Let's run the following commands for applying of new settings: /etc/init.d/network restart. At the stage of OpenWrt configuration wpa-supplicant is to be selected, in the different way wifi will not be linked up by the script openWrt /sbin/wifi: Network: *> wpa-supplicant
15.08.2021 · This page will explain how to connect your OpenWrt device to another Wi-Fi network by using its own radio. Due to technical limitations, your OpenWrt device will create its own subnet (in the example below it's 192.168.2.x while the Wi-Fi router's subnet is 192.168.1.x) just as it would when connected to a modem, your OpenWrt device and devices connected to it will be able to …
Enabling a Wi-Fi access point on OpenWrt Devices that have Ethernet ports have Wi-Fi turned off by default. This is a basic description of how to enable a Wi-Fi network and most importantly, how to properly configure your country code such that your Wi-Fi network complies with the legal regulations of your country.
03.11.2021 · Wi-Fi extender / repeater / bridge configuration If supported by both devices, consider using WDS, Layer 2 GRE tunnels (“gretap”), or mesh networking. Using relayd as instructed in this article isn't guaranteed to work. The most common problem is that the client router cannot pass the
21.11.2021 · Note: The wifi command has an optional first parameter that defaults to up, i.e. start the device. To make the second parameter indeed a second parameter it is mandatory to give a first parameter which can be anything except down. E.g. to start the interface wlan2 issue: wifi up wlan2; to stop that interface: wifi down wlan2.
15.09.2021 · Guest Wi-Fi using CLI See also: Guest Wi-Fi extras This page provides a script that creates an additional separated guest network and a new guest firewall zone for your OpenWrt device. That is, to create a guest WLAN, that only has …
The above command only lists commands sent via an USB connection - for LAN (be that wireless or ethernet) connections, use DEBUG=commands:lan : $ DEBUG=commands ...
03.09.2019 · I recently switched from an old DD-WRT to newest openWRT on my WR1043ND router. I like it, initial setup via LuCI was easy. But now I have a problem that I cant solve. I want to be able to switch my SSID guest-WLAN (wlan0-1) and my SSID family-WLAN (wlan0) on and off independently from my smarthome environment (openHAB). Both use the hardware radio0. I plan …
24.10.2018 · The wifi tool (actually a script) did the "up" action on any unknown command for many years. "restart" is not a recognized command, it will do the same on wifi abcdefg. If you see the last commit that modified that file, you see that this behaviour was fixed to be more sane and consistent, now it will print usage if there is an unknown command, and it will execute the "up" …