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operational research scimago

Journal of the Operational Research Society - SCImago
https://www.scimagojr.com › journ...
Management Science and Operations Research, 1999, Q2 ... The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.
Annals of Operations Research - SCImago
https://www.scimagojr.com › journ...
The Annals of Operations Research also publishes special volumes focusing on ... The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson ...
Journal of the Operational Research ... - SCImago Journal Rank
Scope. JORS is published 12 times a year and is the flagship journal of the Operational Research Society. It is the aim of JORS to present papers which cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of OR. However, since OR is primarily an applied science, it is a major objective of the journal to attract and publish accounts of good ...
European Journal of Operational Research - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearch
The European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) publishes high quality, original papers that contribute to the methodology of operational research (OR) and to the practice of decision making. EJOR contains the following types of papers: • Invited Reviews, explaining to the general OR audience the developments in an OR topic over the ...
Journal of the Operational Research Society
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearch
Scope. JORS is published 12 times a year and is the flagship journal of the Operational Research Society. It is the aim of JORS to present papers which cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of OR. However, since OR is primarily an applied science, it is a major objective of the journal to attract and publish accounts of good ...
International Journal of Operational Research
https://www.scimagojr.com › journ...
2006 2016 Management Science and Operations Research ... The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.
European Journal of Operational Research
Scope. The European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) publishes high quality, original papers that contribute to the methodology of operational research (OR) and to the practice of decision making. EJOR contains the following types of papers: • Invited Reviews, explaining to the general OR audience the developments in an OR topic over ...
Operational Research - SCImago Journal Rank
Operational Research · An International Journal (ORIJ) publishes high quality scientific papers that contribute significantly to the fields of operational research and management science (OR/MS). ORIJ covers all aspects of OR including optimization methods, decision theory, stochastic models, simulation, game theory, queueing systems, inventory and reliability, among …
International Journal of Operational Research
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearch
SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average ...
Annals of Operations Research - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearch
The Annals of Operations Research publishes peer-reviewed original articles dealing with some aspects of operations research, including theory, practice, and computation. Submissions may include full-length research articles, short notes, expositions and surveys, reports on computational studies, and case studies of new or innovative practical ...
Operations Research - SCImago
https://www.scimagojr.com › journ...
The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are ...
Operations Research Perspectives - SCImago Journal Rank
Operations Research Perspectives is an exciting new open access journal in the field of Operations Research and Management Science. It provides a dedicated and safe environment for open access research, with fast online publication on ScienceDirect for all accepted papers.
Operational Research - SCImago
https://www.scimagojr.com › journ...
The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are ...
Operations Research - SCImago Journal Rank
john.birge@chicagobooth.edu Scope Operations Research publishes quality operations research and management science works of interest to the OR practitioner and researcher in three substantive categories: methods, data-based operational science, and the practice of OR.
European Journal of Operational Research - SCImago
https://www.scimagojr.com › journ...
Scope. The European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) publishes high quality, original papers that contribute to the methodology of operational ...
International Transactions in Operational Research
International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR) aims to advance the understanding and practice of Operational Research (OR) and Management Science internationally. Its scope includes: International problems, such as those of fisheries management, environmental issues, and global competitiveness International work done by major OR ...
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
Scope. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR) provides a forum for practitioners, academics and researchers in Operational Research and related fields, within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region. APJOR will place submissions in one of the following categories: General, Theoretical, OR Practice, Reviewer Survey, OR Education ...
Operational Research - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearch
Operational Research · An International Journal (ORIJ) publishes high quality scientific papers that contribute significantly to the fields of operational research and management science (OR/MS). ORIJ covers all aspects of OR including optimization methods, decision theory, stochastic models, simulation, game theory, queueing systems ...
International Transactions in Operational Research - SCImago
https://www.scimagojr.com › journ...
International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR) aims to advance the understanding and practice of Operational Research (OR) and Management Science ...
Operations Research - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearch
Operations Research publishes quality operations research and management science works of interest to the OR practitioner and researcher in three substantive categories: methods, data-based operational science, and the practice of OR. The journal seeks papers reporting underlying data-based principles of operational science, observations and ...
Subscribe to European Journal of Operational Research ...
ISSN 0377-2217. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.161. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal's impact. Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.745.