Operations Research Perspectives - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchOperations Research and Management Science has matured over the last 60 years. Nowadays it is a truly interdisciplinary field, intermixing theories and methodologies from mathematics, management science, computer science, operations management, economics, engineering, decision support, soft computing and many more, even reaching into psychology, ergonomics, knowledge management, education, quality management and biology.
Operational Research - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchOperational Research · An International Journal (ORIJ) publishes high quality scientific papers that contribute significantly to the fields of operational research and management science (OR/MS). ORIJ covers all aspects of OR including optimization methods, decision theory, stochastic models, simulation, game theory, queueing systems, inventory and reliability, among others.
Operations Management Research | Home
https://www.springer.com/journal/1206302.12.2021 · OMR is a rigorous, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is oriented toward fast reviews and publication of high-quality research that makes a clear contribution to the science and practice of operations management in today’s global institutions. Coverage includes all topics in operations management as well as research paradigms. —
Operations Research - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchOperations Research publishes quality operations research and management science works of interest to the OR practitioner and researcher in three substantive categories: methods, data-based operational science, and the practice of OR. The journal seeks papers reporting underlying data-based principles of operational science, observations and modeling of operating systems, contributions to the methods and models of OR, case histories of applications, review articles, and discussions of the ...
Operations Management Research - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchScope. Since operations management is an applied discipline, it is the aim of Operations Management Research: Advancing Practice through Theory to promote research that advances both the theory and practice of operations management. In addition, there is a growing need for a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original, high-quality research that is shorter and more sharply focused than articles in existing OM journals.