Operational Research Practice in Africa - ORPA
orpa-group.orgOperational Research (British English), or Operations Research (US english) or more simply OR, can be understood to be a range of scientific tools employed to analyse decision options. Multidisciplinary in nature, it borrows techniques from disciplines such as mathematics, computer science and economics.
Operations Research in Practice: A Longitudinal Study
www.jstor.org › stable › 25061224Operations Research in Practice: A Longitudinal Study JOHN L. HARPELL Department of Management West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6025 MICHAEL S. LANE Department of Management West Virginia University ALI H. MANSOUR Department of Management West Virginia University Three pairs of questionnaires were sent to Operations Re
Operations research - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operations_researchOperations research (British English: operational research), often shortened to the initialism OR, is a discipline that deals with the development and application of advanced analytical methods to improve decision-making. It is sometimes considered to be a subfield of mathematical sciences. The term management science is occasionally used as a synonym.