Opkg Install Docker - appdon.myhayward.us
appdon.myhayward.us › opkg-install-dockerDec 31, 2021 · Install (opkg) Some Linux devices uses the Open Package (opkg) package manager. In these cases, download the agent as the ARM Buildroot (opkg) from the Ardexa Cloud. Once you have loaded the AgentPack onto the target device, unzip it and run the following command: Each agentPack will be named according to your workgroup ID and the name of the.
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt as Docker container host
openwrt.org › virtualization › docker_hostJul 10, 2021 · install docker-ce package for the commandline tools install luci-app-dockerman package to get a control panel for docker containers in Luci . the default folder for docker in the dockerman luci interface is /opt/docker so you want to mount your storage at /opt or change the folder in Docker –> Overview –> Docker Root Dir and then restart the whole device, or the dockerd service.