ble2mqtt · PyPI · opkg update opkg install python3-pip python3-asyncio pip3 install "bleak>=0.11.0" pip3 install -U ble2mqtt Create the configuration file in /etc/ble2mqtt.json and append your devices. Bluetooth must be turned on. hciconfig hci0 up Run the service in background ble2mqtt 2 > /tmp/ble2mqtt.log & Add a service script to start:
[OpenWrt Wiki] Python · cd <your-openwrt-folder> ./scripts/feeds update packages ./scripts/feeds install python <or python3 if you want that too> Then you should have Python (and/or Python3) in your make menuconfig under Languages =⇒ Python. Note that you'll get a lot of Python/Python3 packages, as the ones detailed above, as they've been split to reduce size.